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Organ Donation

As part of my social responsibility project, I chose this topic to help bridge the gap, ensuring more people receive life-saving transplants and gain the knowledge to support organ donation. This initiative not only benefits individuals and their families but also strengthens the community by improving public health and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. 




1 week


Sketching & Booklet Design

2 weeks



Design for Social Responsibility

2021, Semester 6



Adobe Illustrator, Indesign & Photoshop

Print Design



According to the World Health Organization, only around 0.01 percent of people in India donate their organs after death. Some of the reasons behind such poor performance are lack of public awareness, religious or superstitious beliefs among people, and strict laws. Design for social responsibility is medium to employ creative ideas to educate the community and to make people aware of what is right and what is wrong.

​In this project, the booklet serves as a source of information to raise awareness and promote change regarding organ donation. Organ donation involves legally allowing one’s organs to be removed and transplanted to another person, either with the donor’s consent while alive or with the next of kin’s consent after death. Increasing the number of potential donors enhances the chances of saving lives through available organs. Unfortunately, many people in India are unaware of organ donation and how they can contribute after their deaths.

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After completing my research, I decided to go with a booklet design to give information about organ donation through visuals and letting people know about the facilities provided to the potential donors The research was heavy in data, diagrams, infographics, and charts. To make the complex information easier to understand, the booklet was the best medium to reach a wider audience.


In this project, I concentrated on three organs that are in high demand for transplants in India— Kidney, Liver and Eyes. Visuals make the content more engaging and easier to understand, capturing the reader’s attention effectively. Additionally, it also helps to reinforce key messages, making the information more memorable and shareable. 


  1. General Public: Educating everyone about the importance and process of organ donation.

  2. Young Adults: Engaging students and young professionals who can become lifelong advocates.

  3. Families: Informing families to discuss and make informed decisions about organ donation.

  4. Healthcare Professionals: Ensuring they have the knowledge to guide and support potential donors and their families.

  5. Community Leaders: Involving influencers and leaders who can amplify the message within their communities.



Encouraging organ donation fosters a culture of compassion and ethical responsibility, making a profound difference in society. Donation affects donors more than the recipients. It also impacts the families, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who love and support those in need of transplantation, as they benefit from the renewed life and improved health of their loved ones after the transplant.​


By distributing these booklets in schools, public library, and community centers, it created a significant impact. I also experimented by placing the booklet in the public eye i.e in hospitals, clinics, medical stores, and observed how people interacted with it. 


Curiosity and Engagement: Around 12-17 people picked up the booklet out of curiosity from the magazine section in hospital. This indicated an initial interest in the topic of organ donation.


Reading Duration: Observing young adults spending around 10 minutes with the booklet and senior citizens spending around 35 minutes with the booklet. Conclusion derived from this was, those who spend more time might be more seriously considering the information provided.


Questions and Discussions: People visiting medical store asked more questions and discussed around the topic. There was a desire to learn more about organ donating.


Demographic Patterns: During this experiment, it was identified, middle aged adults were more interested to understand the entire process of how one can get registered as a organ donor and also make their family members aware of it.


Follow-Up Actions: In medical stores and hospitals, people took additional booklets for friends or family. This indicated the effectiveness of the booklet in prompting action.


Distribution Effectiveness: The booklets were picked up more frequently in waiting areas, near the reception, and in medical stores enquiry section. The bright colours as the point of attraction.


Feedback and Questions: Collected feedbacks and questions from readers. This helped me to understand which information was most valuable or what areas needed more clarification.​

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